A Comprehensive Evaluation of Building Tightness, Insulation Effectiveness, Heating and Cooling Systems, Indoor Air Quality, Lighting and Appliances as They Impact Comfort, Energy Consumption, Health and Safety in Your Home.

Our company utilizes "Building Performance Institute" certified analysts and "CalCerts, Inc." certified HERS raters to examine, evaluate and measure factors that affect your home's overall performance.

The goal of our Home Performance Assessment is to provide you, the homeowner a comprehensive building-science based report that details the path to a greener home.

Our Home Performance Assessment process begins with a thorough interview with you, the homeowner to gain a clear understanding of your goals and concerns about your home's performance.

Many common homeowner concerns include high energy consumption, unsafe carbon monoxide spilling into the home from natural gas burning appliances, humid-damp rooms, drafty rooms, zones that are unusually hot or cold, insufficient ventilation and poor indoor air quality.

The Home Performance Assessment data collection process takes approximately 3 to 4 hours surveying your home on the day of our visit.

With-in 10 days of our data collection survey you will receive our comprehensive TrulyGreen HPA Report.

The report includes our findings and recommendations in a simple, easy to understand format that includes full-color photos, graphs, utility bill analysis, appliance energy ratings, airflow analysis, air infiltration rate, pressure testing data, lighting efficiency evaluation, combustion appliance safety test results, thermal imaging documentation and a detailed list of opportunities for a greener home.

We offer a one hour in home review of our TrulyGreen HPA Report in support of your greener home improvement project.

We offer a range of home performance assessment packages to fit your budget. We highly recommend our Thermographic Home Performance Assessment Package. This assessment package includes our comprehensive infra-red thermal imaging survey of your home with full color thermal image documentation. You can view our Home Performance Assessment package options HERE.


(714) 963-3017


Recent Additions

  • Links to Energy Star Home Energy Conservation Resources
  • Updated Links to Our Social Media Pages
  • New Carbon Monoxide Safety Page

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