Our Infra-Red Thermographic Imaging Inspection Utilizes State-of-the-Art Equipment to Survey Your Home. Our Inspectors Thermally Scan Your Home for Areas of Air Infiltration, Insufficient Insulation, Moisture Issues & Phantom Electricity Consumption.

Our Infra-Red Thermal Imaging Camera is one of the most effective inspection tools that we employ during our Home Performance Assessment. These state-of-the-art cameras “see” heat that is produced by objects and converts the detected heat signature into detailed full-color images.  These vivid images allow us to “VISUALIZE” the precise location of various energy saving opportunities we find in your home.

The thermographic section of our TrulyGreen HPA report includes comprehensive documentation including picture-in-picture, full-color thermal images that allow you to see precisely where your home is costing you money.

The most common issues observed during our thermal scans are; air infiltration and air exfiltration, unchecked heat gain and heat loss through a home's thermal envelope, walls and ceilings void of insulation, water damage and phantom electricity consumption. All of these common issues are evaluated during our detailed Home Performance Assessment.

I - Air-Sealing Thermal Survey – Air infiltration and air exfiltration are technical terms for air leaking “into” and “out of” a building.  This air leakage contributes to most of the comfort issues found in the homes we survey and may account for up to 25% of your home's heating and cooling expenses if left unchecked.

Air-sealing opportunities are commonly located around windows and doors, unsealed recessed lights, leaky un-insulated attic hatches, HVAC ducts, holes, cracks, crevices and other breaches in a home's thermal envelope. As we locate air leaks during the thermal scan we document the precise location of the leaks with our Infra-Red Camera and publish the vivid thermal images in our TrulyGreen HPA report.

II - Thermal Insulation Survey –  Insulation reduces utility expenses related to heating and cooling your home, reduces outdoor noise, helps prevent excessive indoor humidity, reduces heat gain and heat loss through a home's thermal envelope, improves overall comfort and allows more efficient operation of your heating and cooling systems.

During our thermal insulation survey we scan the exterior walls and ceiling of your home to locate areas that may be void of insulation, contain moisture damaged insulation or poorly performing insulation. 

III - Phantom Electricity Consumption - Many household electronic devices are left plugged in continuously and may be used only a couple hours per week. Many types of electronics including; battery chargers, televisions, stereos, computers, printers and cable boxes draw electricity when they are turned off and left plugged in. Although the energy draw is small, it can add up to a significant part of your home's electricity consumption.

You may be paying up to 15% of your home's electricity expense on phantom electricity waste. Not only does the phantom energy consumption contribute to your monthly energy bill, it also contributes to unnecessary heat gain inside your home.


(714) 963-3017

The pair of photos on the lower-left are evidence of hot air leaking from the attic into a hallway due to an unsealed attic hatch. The pair of photos on the lower-right document an exterior wall void of insulation in the living room of a home. This is an example of how thermal images allow you to see precisely where your home is costing you money.

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